Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fly Fishing report Ascension Bay, Mexico


We have a large number of fly fishermen (46 in total) traveling to Mexico throughout November to both Ascension Bay and Espiruto Santo Bay. We will keep a permit tally for the month so keep checking in on how each group fairs. The first group of 8 anglers arrived just after Hurricane Rina. The group was lead by Tom Festing of SPORTFISH who experienced Ascension Bay for the first time last year. The weather was still a bit patchy but did not hamper the fishing too much. The bonefish were willing and with the guides locating some new tarpon lagoons there was a great mix of species caught by all anglers.

And the permit tally for the end of week 1 was 4.


Photo courtesy of Mr Chris Bowling

1 comment:

Gilly said...

Ahhh! wish i was there. So envious....Gilly Bate